Conjuration of the Mountains of MASHU

May the mountain overpower you!
May the mountain hold you back!
May the mountain conquer you!
May the mountain frighten you!
May the mountain shake you to the core!
May the mountain hold you in check!
May the mountain subject you!
May the mountain cover you!
May the mighty mountain fall on you,
May you be held back from my body!

Note: the original translator had noted the resemblance between the Greek word for Lors, kurios, and the Sumerian word for mountain, kur, and for a type of underworld, chthoic, monster which is also called kur and which refers to the Leviathan of the Old Testament. Also, in this particular conjuration, the word for mountain is shadu - shaddai ? The Old Serpent KUR is, of course, invoked every day by the Christians: Kyrie Eleison!

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